Her Moodiness
I wish I could describe her moodiness in words, like it really is, like it really makes me feel… It is such an elusive feeling yet so tangible at the same time. Tangible not as in the feeling itself, but the effects that it has on me are so evident they are impossible to hide. If I were to paint it, I would paint a shore full of seashells and seaweed in the retreating tide. A shore almost choked into … Read More
The Sufficiently Complex Universe, God and Selfless Love
When Max Planck was going to start his Ph.D. in Physics they told him that he really need not apply and that he shouldn’t bother because “all of physics has really been discovered”. Undaunted -of course- the bright young scientist went on with his studies and -when they finally found someone who could read and understand his thesis- formulated an equation containing Planck’s Constant whose immense validity and application wasn’t appreciated until twenty five years later, when Quantum Mechanics was … Read More
The D. in goD. – by K.
He fills me up in so many ways my D., I find it hard to describe it though I know exactly what it is. I know what He is. He is with whom I want the sun to find us in the morning, he whom his face I see everywhere during the day, even at work, on my desk on my screen. He makes me open up to him easily, wantingly, like an unpicked flower he travels my body like … Read More
Ωραία Φέτα – by Ειρήνη Γεωργή (Irini Georgi)
Χτες βράδυ, με δύο φίλες από φέισμπουκ, κατά τις τέσσερις καταλήγουμε σε υπαίθριο rave party, στο πεδίον του Άρεως. Η οποία περιοχή είναι θρυλική και τιμημένη για rave party, από τα ένδοξα χρόνια του alsos, χρονιές 90 και κάτι. Και ενώ ακόμα έχω σπίτι φυλαγμένο frond μπλουζάκι, έχω βγει με ξώβυζο, γιατί από τότε έχουν περάσει είκοσι χρόνια και κάτι, και πλέον έχω μάθει ότι το να με εκτιμήσει κάποιος Σαββατόβραδο για τον ψυχικό μου κόσμο, είναι φενάκη. Και εκεί … Read More
U don’t fool me – by Dana
20/2/2017 3:00 μμ Γύρω γύρω Ξανά κ ξανα Ο χρόνος …… γυρίζει επαναλαβανει Ανακυκλώνει αναμασαει ιστορίες…ιδιες Ακούραστα ίδιες … Εκεί ειμαι… Σε περιμένω Δεν αλλάζω. Δεν ξαναγεννιεμαι Αλλα δεν με κοροϊδεύεις Σε καταλαβαίνω… Κι εσυ ίδιος εισαι …αλλαζεις πρόσωπα Αλλα ίδιος εισαι..!!!!! by Danna
Repost: Exchanging Gifts by Daphne Kapsali
La Poubelle is on the warpath again. She’s set up a one-woman roadblock outside her house, accosting every passerby indiscriminately. A small boy on a bicycle was retained for a full two minutes, and she’s even appealing, in urgent tones, to tourists, who have no interest in our neighbourhood affairs. Which is unusual. ‘What is it this time?’ says Aspasia, a little too loudly. Aspasia has no tact. But then again, she has no use for tact, which is … Read More
Γιατί μου αρέσει ο Άγγελος Σικελιανός
Φλογάτη, γελαστή, ζεστή, από τ’ αμπέλια απάνωθεν εκοίταγε η σελήνη· κι ακόμα ο ήλιος πύρωνε τα θάμνα, βασιλεύοντας μες σε διπλή γαλήνη. Bαριά τα χόρτα, ιδρώνανε στην αψηλήν απανεμιά το θυμωμένο γάλα, κι από τα κλήματα τα νια, που της πλαγιάς ανέβαιναν μακριά-πλατιά τη σκάλα, σουρίζανε οι αμπελουργοί φτερίζοντας, εσειόντανε στον όχτο οι καλογιάννοι, κι άπλων’ απάνω στο φεγγάρι η ζέστα αραχνοΰφαντο κεφαλοπάνι… Στο σύρμα, μες στο γέννημα, μονάχα τρία καματερά, τό ‘να από τ’ άλλο πίσω, την κρεμαστή τους … Read More
Tim Minchin – Nine Life Lessons
“In darker days, I did a corporate gig at a conference for this big company who made and sold accounting software. In a bid, I presume, to inspire their salespeople to greater heights, they’d forked out 12 grand for an Inspirational Speaker who was this extreme sports guy who had had a couple of his limbs frozen off when he got stuck on a ledge on some mountain. It was weird. Software salespeople I think need to hear from … Read More
Εμείς οι Χτίστες
Ἐμεῖς οἱ χτίστες τῶν μουγγῶν ἐρώτων τῶν σκληρῶν, δεν πᾶμε ἐμεῖς γιὰ ἕνα φιλί, δεν πᾶμε για ἕνα γέλιο· για τα καρφια που μάτωσαν στις ἄκριες τῶν σταυρῶν ἕνα βαρύ ἀπο ἐντολές σηκώνομε Εὐαγγέλιο. Τη γλύκα βαρεθήκαμε τῶν ἥσυχων ὡρῶν, ὁ Ἀπρίλης εἶναι πίσω μας, βγήκαμε ἀπ’ το λιμάνι κι ἀδειάσαμε στα κύματα, βορά τῶν χαλασμῶν, το βιός που στοργικά ἡ ζωή δῶρο μᾶς εἶχε κάνει. Μακριά ἀπ᾿ τη γῆ πλανιόμαστε στήν ἅπλα τῶν Ὠκεανῶν… Και πια στη νύχτια τη … Read More
The Future Hides the Truth
Back in 1929 the brilliant and persistent astronomer Edwin Hubble made discoveries that proved that our universe was expanding, with all the heavenly bodies moving away from each other in a straight dance, like coloured dots on the surface of an ever inflating balloon. Something that is well known today and taken for granted, but back then it was pretty amazing to just discover that our Milky Way galaxy was not the only one in the universe, let alone that … Read More
Stephen Hawking on TED
There is nothing bigger or older than the universe. The questions I would like to talk about are: one, where did we come from? How did the universe come into being? Are we alone in the universe? Is there alien life out there? What is the future of the human race? Up until the 1920s, everyone thought the universe was essentially static and unchanging in time. Then it was discovered that the universe was expanding. Distant galaxies were moving away … Read More
Siegfried Sassoon – Aftermath
Have you forgotten yet? …For the world’s eventshave rumbled on since those gagged days,Like traffic checked while at thecrossing of city-ways: And the haunted gap in your mind has filled withthoughts that flowLike clouds in the lit heaven of life;and you’re a man reprieved to go, Taking your peaceful share of Time, with joy to spare. But the past is just the same–and War’s a bloody game…Have you forgotten yet?… Look down, and swear by the slain of the War … Read More
Model Dependent Reality
Physicists nowadays adopt an approach called “model-dependent realism” when using theories or models to explain how the world around us, from the sub-atomic level to the entire universe, works. The idea is that when a theory or model used is successful in explaining a particular physical situation/observation then we assume that it is true and valid. By “successful” we mean that the results predicted by the model agree with experimental results. It may be that an entirely different model for … Read More
Έρωτας στα Χιόνια
Καρδιὰ τοῦ χειμῶνος. Χριστούγεννα, Ἅις−Βασίλης, Φῶτα. Καὶ αὐτὸς ἐσηκώνετο τὸ πρωί, ἔρριπτεν εἰς τοὺς ὤμους τὴν παλιὰν πατατούκαν του, τὸ μόνον ροῦχον ὁποὺ ἐσώζετο ἀκόμη ἀπὸ τοὺς πρὸ τῆς εὐτυχίας του χρόνους, καὶ κατήρχετο εἰς τὴν παραθαλάσσιον ἀγοράν, μορμυρίζων, ἐνῷ κατέβαινεν ἀπὸ τὸ παλαιὸν μισογκρεμισμένον σπίτι, μὲ τρόπον ὥστε να τὸν ἀκούῃ ἡ γειτόνισσα: − Σεβτὰς εἶν’ αὐτός, δὲν εἶναι τσορβάς …· ἔρωντας εἶναι, δὲν εἶναι γέρωντας. Τὸ ἔλεγε τόσον συχνά, ὥστε ὅλες οἱ γειτονοποῦλες ὁποὺ τὸν ἤκουαν τοῦ … Read More
Weirdest Physics Facts
An electron can spin both clockwise and anti-clockwise at the same time. If you were to go round in a circle at a speed close to the speed of light, you will end up traveling forward in time. GPS systems work accurately only because they take into account that time on earth runs more slowly on earth than it does in outer space, as the earth’s gravity slows time down. As already predicted by the general theory of relativity. Two … Read More
This Strangeness in my Life
It is so hard to see where it is, but it is there even in the morning when the miracle of shapes assemble and become familiar, but not quite; and the echo of a voice, now changed, utterly dissociated, as though all warmth and shared sweetness had never been. It is this alien space, not stark as the moon, but lush and almost identical to the space that was. But it is not. It is another place and you are … Read More
The Many Lives of the Parthenon
turn up the volume The Curse of Minerva by Lord Byron Slow sinks, more lovely ere his race be run, Along Morea’s hills the setting sun; Not, as in northern climes, obscurely bright, But one unclouded blaze of living light; O’er the hush’d deep the yellow beam he throws, Gilds the green wave that trembles as it glows; On old Aegina’s rock and Hydra’s isle The god of gladness shed his parting smile’ O’er his own regions lingering loves to … Read More
Γράμμα απο τον Κόλλια Μου
Στην θάλλασα Πάσχα 9/4/72 Νήστεψα για να μπορέσω να σου γράψω τούτο το γράμμα. Και προσευχήθηκα. Ο ειδωλολάτρης. Εκείνη η μικρή κάρτα που έλαβα ήταν γιομάτη από ένα κόσμο. Από χιλιάδες κόσμους. Πρώτη φορά πήρα ένα τέτοιο δείγμα ανθρωπιάς, καλωσύνης! Το φύλαξα. Θα το φυλάω, θα με προστατεύει. Το πρωινό σου τηλεφώνημα ήταν κάτι χαρμόσυνο. Με έκανε να φύγω για το πρώτο φετεινό ταξίδι πιό ήρεμος, πιό καλός και τιμιώτερος. Ταλαιπωρήθηκα στην Αθήνα. Έφυγα χρεώστης. Για πρώτη μου φορά δε … Read More
Liz Gilbert on Ruth Stone’s Creative Process
As [Stone] was growing up in rural Virginia, she would be out, working in the fields and she would feel and hear a poem coming at her from over the landscape. It was like a thunderous train of air and it would come barrelling down at her over the landscape. And when she felt it coming…cause it would shake the earth under her feet, she knew she had only one thing to do at that point. That was to, in … Read More
Οι στίχοι οι Ομορφότεροι
Οι στίχοι οι ομορφότεροι δεν γράφονται ποτές τους αναπνέει βαθιά η ψυχή σαν λούλουδα τ’ ονείρου χαμόγελα φαντάσματος, λάμψες είν’ του απείρου φωνές των κάμπων χαρωπές π’ ακούμ’ απ’ τις κορφές Η πλάση η αζωγράφιστη τραγούδ’ είν’ όπου πας απόκρυφη ερημιά η εδέμ και κήπος είν’ αγιασμένος που για της τέχνης την ντροπή πάντα ‘ναι σφαλισμένος μα που μπορείς να τον ιδής μονάχα αν μ’ αγαπάς Σαν σμίξει η αγάπη μια βραδυά τις σκέψεις μας τις δύο στη σιωπή, σε … Read More
Κυριακή στο Σπίτι
Πέρασε δίχως συντροφιά κ’ η Κυριακή στο σπίτι βούλες στούς τοίχους έριξε το δίλι απ’ το φεγγίτη. Κ’ ήρθε του δρόμου τ΄όργανο βαθιά πολύ απ’ τα ξένα να δέσει με την έρημη καρδιά τα περασμένα, να κάμει ακόμα πιότερο καθημερνές τις σχόλες – και πήρε πόλκες ο άνεμος, ρομαντσες, βαρκαρόλες. Μάγια σα να ‘ταν του Καιρού, βγαίναν οι νότες, ίδια με ξιόρκια, με καλέσματα και μαγικά αντικλείδια. Ήχος γλυκός κι αγύριστος -που το σκοπό του χάνω- τριγύριζε στα τέλια του … Read More
Jadis et Naguère: Art Poétique, Paul Verlaine
De la musique avant toute chose, Et pour cela préfère l’Impair Plus vague et plus soluble dans l’air, Sans rien en lui qui pèse ou qui pose. Il faut aussi que tu n’ailles point Choisir tes mots sans quelque méprise : Rien de plus cher que la chanson grise Où l’Indécis au Précis se joint. C’est des beaux yeux derrière des voiles, C’est le grand jour tremblant de midi, C’est, par un ciel d’automne attiédi, Le bleu fouillis des claires étoiles ! … Read More
This is a true story. I am saying that not because i fear you may not believe me, -or in fact because this story has any really unbelievable moments…- but because i want to keep reminding myself of how it was back then and what events transpired, so naturally so easily like a leaf floating downstream -effortlessly, gracefully. Good times. OK, so many years ago during what Garrison Keillor calls “the age of imagination, before the age of full disclosure” … Read More
Kalymnos – by the lovely Katerina Cosgrove
Lining the quay are stalls selling sponges. Beneath them the water, still clear and blue, although it is nearly autumn, laps at the stone pier. In the late afternoon light the sponges seem to take on the luminous gold of sun-dappled water, much, I think, as they would have looked under the sea. Tourists finger them expectantly, as if half wanting to find them alive, soft, their thousand open-mouthed pores sucking in and out the golden air like liquid. I, … Read More
8 minutes
The distance of the sun from the Earth is between 146 and 152 million kilometres -give or take a few million, and depending of course on the time of the year. This means that light, racing through space at about 300,000 km/sec will take an average of about 8 minutes to reach the Earth. Think about this for a minute: The Sun, the life giver, the star that holds us together and nourishes us, what gives us hope in the … Read More