Βυθίζομαι μα τώρα μόνο στα ρηχά και αυτό το χέρι άσπρο που δεν ματώνει πια σαν ίσκιος κουβαλάει το φώς που γύρω-γύρω βγαίνει ρηχά νερά μικρή ζωή που αγάπη δεν χορταίνει
i miss the rain
i miss the rain sometimes when i’m with you and don’t remember what to do for love The way it runs down on hotel glass how you lie on the whites of well-made beds like desert water How it catches the brown of your hair with small diamonds of light This fire will put the water out, clear the clouds, and stop us i miss the rain
Keep your love around
Keep your love around, like a knife. all at once you find what was in your mind, hidden nowhere Nowhere is where you went, when not alone. Somewhere is anywhere but here Somewhere is what it used to be And you, torn apart by words that always mean the same, and words that change, – like people. Like people change, to stay the same, to be the same without her Keep your love around like a knife She wears the … Read More
Poetry is the sustaining space between half-chosen words. It lives irreverently, despite of us, and it despises us despite of those who hold the words in tiny hands at night like pieces from their heart still beating poetry begins when breathing ends and effort is surrendered
behind the windshield screen
Sit behind The windshield in your car; Its quite amazing. From behind the windshield See the movie, A movie playing in front of you All-over So sit motionless but not emotion-less And as you drive As you drive by, your life, Unfolds around you And all the circumstances Now surround you Surround you like a play, A dress rehearsal In which we all are part We play ourselves -If we are lucky- We don’t play Someone else. And the … Read More
for Claire
The colourful light in your eyes does not always set in the night, and shadows that hold deeper secrets, they dance where you gaze. In a second in life or a year in some dream, the beauty, the pain, is the same. Those loving eyes, like ancient people that sleep on some hill, their armies are resting and history seems to stand still. Beauty and pain rest always in a timeless sea: in our soul. for when something is burned there … Read More
Noah’s Ark
Desert hills in your eyes, gentle lows, smallest sighs.I am descending upon you, inside.Into this sea of calm, beauty’s child in my arms, smallest winters, that dance by your side.Tears that run down your face, salty kisses; small oceans with planets of life. Lips that meet are not sealed, secret destinies fill, the small of your back as you rise.Spiral galaxies spread, in a small flower stay; so suspended.Like the animate truth of our temple of flesh, now fiery, severed … Read More
for my Dad
I thought the time between us was a lot, i thought he lived forever and had not, fought all those wars in vain: for freedom only. lived all those deaths in vain: for country only. I thought the time between us was a lot, when I would able be to say what’s not, easy to write when said; to say as written. To spend a whole small life and never say i love you for whatever i don’t know, I … Read More
beasts of love
I spent some time in silence, and the pictures of you that were screaming by. wild horses in my brain. Then all the suffering and tormenting animals inside me, they gathered around me, their eyes cold, unmoving, like sacred felines from the Pyramids. They are waiting for you. They will creep silently inside you, move like a bad dream, coming alive under your skin. They don’t precede my love, they don’t follow it, they come with it. This is the … Read More
these words
These words will get deeper and the safety of space space inside, around, between us, space like fancy packaging, wrapping our soul, selves, lives, will not save us. The heart will get sharper with small hands will push all that we love, hearts have small hands. they need space to hold, like ships with cargo. Hearts like ships in the ocean carrying, like women protecting, in a storm, proud in calm, unknown waters. Those hearts will get sharper. With small … Read More