The Future Hides the Truth

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Back in 1929 the brilliant and persistent astronomer Edwin Hubble made discoveries that proved that our universe was expanding, with all the heavenly bodies moving away from each other in a straight dance, like coloured dots on the surface of an ever inflating balloon. Something that is well known today and taken for granted, but back then it was pretty amazing to just discover that our Milky Way galaxy was not the only one in the universe, let alone that … Read More

Model Dependent Reality

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Physicists nowadays adopt an approach called  “model-dependent realism” when using theories or models to explain how the world  around us, from the sub-atomic level to the entire universe, works. The idea is that when a theory or model used is successful in explaining a particular physical situation/observation then we assume that it is true and valid. By “successful” we mean that the results predicted by the model agree with experimental results. It may be that an entirely different model for … Read More

Weirdest Physics Facts

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An electron can spin both clockwise and anti-clockwise at the same time. If you were to go round in a circle at a speed close to the speed of light, you will end up traveling forward in time. GPS systems work accurately only because they take into account that time on earth runs more slowly on earth than it does in outer space, as the earth’s gravity slows time down. As already predicted by the general theory of relativity. Two … Read More